Monday, December 14, 2009
Things are winding down for us in Elko. Durinda and Shawn's band concert were last week, so was Cody's strings concert. He is in the 6th grade advanced strings and they got to play with the 7th and 8th grade strings. The very last song, he played with, along with everyone else, the high school strings. It was very nice. Tonight is the chorus Christmas concert. Durinda is in the advanced choir, and she is playing flute accompaniment with the piano for one song. She is nervous but ready. She has been practicing very hard. I'm sure she will do fine. Shawn is done with jr.high basketball, but start pal basketball and church ball after the first of the year. Durinda has started pep band and will start concert band the first of the year. Things will be calm for at two weeks.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Well Christmas is finally here and I am so excited!! I'm looking forward to you guys coming down to little old Elko and celebrate Christmas with us. We weren't together last year so I'm so happy that we are going to be together this year. Ya I know most of you have little ones, but let me remind you that the ones that live in Elko had to travel to Logan with smaller cars and tons of presents also. I can't wait to see you guys down here for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and have a great Christmas dinner. I know Brain has worked hard for us be together at this great time of the year and celebrate the birth of Christ. Hope to see you soon!!!
Love your niece,

D.C. Trip

D.C. Trip
Jefferson Memorial
